Friday, September 26, 2008

First Den Meeting

We have our first den meeting under our belt and it was a blast. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun working with their parents on the Bobcat plaques. Even though the night went by quickly, we were able to get a lot of our first project completed. I look forward to seeing the end results in a few weeks. This week we introduced the boys to the Cub Scout Sign, Salute and Promise. These are 3 of the 8 requirements for their Bobcat badge. Please continue to work with them on memorizing the Cub Scout Promise. It can be found on page 29 of their Tiger Cub Handbook. Another requirement is knowing the Cub Scout Motto. It is easy for them to remember and the basis of all of Scouting.

Cub Scout Motto

Thursday, September 25, 2008

See You Tonight @ 6:30!

I am happy to announce that we have secured an excellent location to serve as our Den's "headquarters"! Thanks to Darren's parents, future Den meetings will be held in the Training Room at the Perrysburg Police Department (room is located in the basement of the Perrysburg Municipal Bldg). Please Note: Tonight's Den Mtg. will still be located at the McGuire's home, the PPD site will host our future meetings. Thanks again McGuire's!
Den Mtg. @ McGuire's, 9/25, 6:30pm
Future Meetings (After 9/25):
Perrysburg Police Division
330 Walnut Street
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Non-Emergency Phone: 419.872.8001
(located on Walnut, between E. Third St. and W. Indiana Ave)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Frist Pack Meeting

Here are some photos of our first Pack Meeting last Thursday. I know all the boys had fun making their own "landfills". I am glad we had such a large turnout. We had 13 boys from our den. That is a great! The leaders said that this was the most active meeting they have ever hosted. Next month we are planning on sailing our boats in the "Rain Gutter Regatta". More news to follow on that one. I look forward to seeing you all at our first den meeting this Thursday at the McGurire's house. This week the boys will begin the trail to earning their Bobcat Rank. See you soon.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome to Tiger Cubs

On behalf of your sons, I would like to thank each of you for introducing them to scouting. The Boy Scouts of America is a wonderful organization. I grew up in Scouts; and, I owe a lot of who I am to the experiences I had during those years. If it weren't for my dad and mom's involvement, it would not have been the same.

I looked over the paperwork we were handed the other night and realized that it's hard not to be overwhelmed. There is a lot of stuff to go through; and I already have a packed schedule with work, family, etc... If it were not for the experiences that I had as a boy, it would be hard for me to commit to such an organization. The truth is that the best experiences that I had with my dad came from Scouting, and I want that for my son and I as well!

More than likely I will make some mistakes, and may even frustrate you once or twice; but, I promise to, "DO MY BEST". Maybe some of the old stuff will come back to me and we may just have some fun. I know the boys will!

Uniform Information
Here is a list of the items the pack requires that each boy have:

Blue Cub Scout Uniform $22.99

Tiger Cub Neckerchief $4.99

TC Slide $2.99

Erie Shores Council Patch $3.40

Troop Number 209 Patches 3 x $1.19

World Scout Crest $1.49

TOTAL = $39.43

These are the prices I saw at Woodville Surplus on Woodville Rd.; however, all Scouts do get a 10% discount. You can also get them at the Toledo Scout Shop in downtown Toledo, or The Scout Shop in Findlay off of I-75.

My wife (mom of 4 & bargain hunter) did a little online research and found some sites that sell gently used scout uniforms for much less. If you are still in need of a uniform, and would like to save a few bucks, send her an email ( and she'll be happy to assist!
See you this Thursday at our first pack meeting.