Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Parade

This year Pack 209 marched in the Thanksgiving Holiday Parade. We had great weather for being so late into November. While this parade is much shorter than the Memorial Day Parade, we had a great time. The boys enjoyed showering the crowd with loads of candy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Glass Slide Project

This week we were able to meet at Ann Hymel's home, a wolf den leader from Ft. Meig's Elementary, who has a glass studio at her home. She has a wonder way of teaching the boys about glass and art. They learned what goes into making glass and the elements needed to give it the desired color. They also learned how to cut glass and the importance of using the proper tools and protective equipment for safety. The boys were able to design their own creations that will be melted down and turned into slides for their neckerchiefs.

Wood County Windfarm, Landfill and Recyecle Center

On October 31st Den 4, along with 3 other dens from Pack 209 went on a tour of the Wood County Wind farm, Landfill and Recycle Center. It was a great to visit the wind farm. We had steady winds of 22 mph with gusts up to 44 mph. All of us enjoyed learning about eh 4 windmills at the farm. It was hard to believe how big they were. Each turbine stood 254 ft. tall with the 22,000 pound blades extending another 134 ft. The blades turn at a maximum of 16.8 rpm or else the structure cound be compromised. At 16.8 rpm the tip of the blades are traveling at 170 mph. Amanda, our guide, told us it took 3 mph wind to turn the turbine and they only can produce electricity as winds above 9 mph. This mainly occurs from the fall through spring. Summer months are relatively calm and little electricity is produced.

At the landfill we learned that it was about 30 years old and the current site would be able to be used for another 20 years. Beyond that, the landfill would expand on it's current property. We learned that once something goes into the area it, by law has to stay there. In the landfill the garbage does not breakdown since it has limited exposure to the sun and wind. That means that once it is there, it will always be there. That is why it is so important to limit what we put in the landfill. At the end of the tour our entire group stood on the large scale and weighed ourselves. The total weight of the group was just under 7000 lbs. The tour ended at the Recycle Center in Bowling Green. The boys learned what was recycled at the facility. We learned how they separate, bale the materials; as well as, what they do with it. The majority of the recycled material processed by the center was paper. Amanda told us that 1 ton of recycled paper represents 7 trees. In the photo here we were standing next to a 1,500 lb. bale of paper or approximately 10 trees.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Raingutter Regatta 2009

Kenton & Marty's Photo Finish
This was the second year that we had the Raingutter Regatta in Pack 209. The event was improved over last year's both in organization and fun. The official cub scout boats performed better than the other boats did in 2008. All the boy's boats were able to make it down the river and each of the boys reduced their times race after race. The top 3 fastest times for Den 4 were: 1st) Caleb, 2nd) Matthew and 3rd) Nicholas. Caleb went on to win 1st place in the Wolf Division, Nicholas won Best Design and Darren won the Cubby Award four our den. Be sure to check out the rest of the photos and videos on the link below.

Scouting for Food

Special thanks to all the boys and parents who helped out distributing and collecting food bags this week. Even though we did not collect; as much as, last year, every bit counts. It is also important for the boys to learn the importance of donating their time to help those in need.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This week the flu must be traveling around the school we only had 5 of the 8 boys in attendance. Even though we were missing some boys we continued to work to complete Achievements 2 and 9. For the first part of the meeting we reviewed Safety Rules of the street and road (9d). The boys worked on a work sheet and we corrected them together. They also learned how to properly fold the American Flag (2g) we reviewed how to take care of the flag (2c) from last week's meeting. In addition each of the boys showed the maps they drew from their homes to school. They each had to discribe the routes they would take if they were walking or driving. We then talked about how to orient a map using a compass. We then used a Perrysburg map and oriented it using a compass. Each of these skills are a review from last year so the boys who were out didn't miss too much. We will continue to use maps and compasses in the upcoming weeks so the boys can earn the Map and Compass belt loop in November.

This coming week is a busy one, we will be handing out and picking up can goods for Scout for Food and we have our annual Raingutter Regatta on Thursday night.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This week in Scouts.

This week was quite hectic at our new location. I think planned on too much "book work" and not enough fun for the boys. I guess you live and learn. Anyway, on Thursday we started Achievement 2: Your Flag. We discussed the Pledge of Allegiance and the meaning of all the words. We learned about the United States and Ohio flags including the symbolism in each. We talked about how to properly display the flag and how to care for it. Next week we will complete this section and weather permitting we will have an outdoor flag ceremony. In addition, we will review some of Achievement 9 which you should be working on at home. Finally we will completed the requirements for the Map and Compass Belt Loop. We will review, for most, how a compass works and how to use it along with a map to find get from one place to another.
Up Coming Events:
1. On Tuesday, Oct. 20th we will be hanning out Scouting For Food grocery bags in a neighborhood near Ft. Meig's Elementary. Boys should be in their uniforms at at Ft. Meig's School Parking lot at 6:15PM. It would be helpful to have 4 parents help out. We should be done by 7:15PM.
2. Remember to work on the Raingutter Regatta Boats for our pack meeting on Oct. 22nd at Ft. Mieg's Elementary
3. On Nov. 5th we will not be able to meet at Frank due to Parent-Teacher Conferences. Instead of our normal den meeting we will be meeting at one of the other leader's home to make glass slides for the boy's neckerchiefs. It is a neat project and the other Wolf den did them last year. The cost is $4 per boy and I can collect it whenever you have it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Camporee

This year there was a great turnout for the Erie Shores Council's Fall Camporee at Camp Miakonda. There were over 700 in attendance for the events on Saturday afternoon and evening. The weather was a bit chilly and we had a few scattered showers; however, that didn't dampen any one's spirits. The boy participated in many activities including: Archery, BB gun range, obstacle course, rope bridge, fire starting (without matches) and many more. We also sang the Underwear Song together with the rest of Pack 209 at the campfire. At the event they were able to work on may electives and a few sport belt loops. The boys ended the long evening with night hike, without flashlights, where they sang with a harmonica player, learned about and listened to local owls, and visited a scout from the Ohio Militia from 1820 and learned about the Ohio-Michigan War.

Second Den Meeting

Last week we had our second den meeting at McGurire's house at the last minute. Special thanks to Diane for opening her house up to us with very little notice. The boys started with a marble game called, "sharp shooter", which was one of the electives needed to earn an arrow head later in the year. We also reviewed 7 of the 8 trials to Bobcat to help the 3 new boys earn the award. Our goal is to get them completed during October. During our last meeting we talked about collections and different ways to display them. Many of the boys shared with us their collections and each had an opportunity to tell us why they collected these items and how many of each they had. This allowed them to nearly complete all of Achievement 7: Start a Collection on page 70. By the end to the year the boys will need to complete all 12 Achievements in order to earn their Wolf Badge. This week at home the boys should be working on Achievement 9 with their parents. Please read and discuss 9a-9d on pages 82-86 for our meeting on Thursday.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Pack Meeting

On Thursday night we had our first pack meeting of the school year. In addition to officially kicking off our annual popcorn sale, we were visited by Gary the Traveling Reptile Guy (not his official title). He was an interesting character that showed us all his rare COLLECTION of reptiles that he has rescued from pet owners over the years. There was the Bearded Dragon, the rare Sail Finned Iguana, several snakes of all sizes including a 10 foot albino boa constrictor and my favorite the Black and White Jaguar something-another. He also gave parents some advise about which critters NOT to buy for our young Scouts and which ones we should consider. He sure wound up the boys, who could barely stay in their seats. Next month we have the Rain Gutter Regatta which was a lot of fun last year. Each of you should have received your boat kits at the meeting and you all have a month to complete them. I will send out reminder as we get closer to the meeting. This week we are meeting at Frank Elementary School at our normal time. Each of the boys should be bringing in an example of a collection that they have. We are also going to create a den cheer so, if you and/or your sons have any ideas please bring them to share with the den.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great News!

Today I received word that we may have a permanent home for our meetings this year. It is funny how often the obvious places go unchecked. Thanks to Kent, we are tentatively scheduled to have the remainder of our meetings at Frank Elementary. Our normal time slots works well with them except for a few dates where we may have to meet at 7PM or plan on an alternate location. I will keep you all posted. Thanks Kent!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Den Meeting of the Year

Tonight we met for our first meeting of the school year. We had seven boys attend as we started September's theme: Pockets. Our activities included a Hide and Seek search, emergency phone list projects and the boys created there own Code of Conduct.

Den 4 Code of Conduct

1. Do Your Best

2. Respect Each Other

3. Follow Directions

4. Listen: Scout Sign = Quite

5. Raise Your Hand to Talk

6. Don't Give Up

We also handed out popcorn fundraiser forms and information on the Fall Family Campout (Oct. 3rd & 4th). If interested please be prepared to pay for the campout at next week's Pcak Meeting. Feel free to check out the Camp Miakonda link under Resources. I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday evening at Ft. Meig's Elementary.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Channel 11 Go See It

For our last Go See It we travelled to Channel 11 to learn about communication. We had a fun tour behind the scenes and experienced all that goes into a news broadcast. We met several of the news anchors including Jerry Anderson and Chrys Peterson. They spent some extra time with boys while filming the teasers for the night's news cast. The boys were excited to hear that their tour was taped by the news team and they would have a small spot during the 11 o'clock broadcast.

Oak Openings Spring Campout

Last weekend Pack 209 camped out at Oak Openings. Even with the small turnout, we had a blast and enjoyed the best weather of the year. The boys used their newly aquired orienteering skills and we hiked about 2.5 miles to Malard Lake where Caleb caught 5 blue gill. He was the only scout with any luck. We headed back to camp late in the afternoon but, were able to stop to hunt for one of the 17 geocaches hidden in the park. After arrive back at camp we cook some trout, potatoes, and hamburgers on the campfire and grill. Everyone was hungry after the long afternoon. We took a long night hike along the creek and ended the night with a campfire under the clear stary night.

Side Cut Nature Hike

On March 26th the den headed to Side Cut Metro Park to meet with 2 Naturalists to learn about the park and the different habitats in the area. We also learned about cleaning up our community and practiced some of the Leave No Trace behind principles. The boys collected several trash bags full of garbage while hiking 1.2 miles through the park.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's Race Time!

On Saturday Pack 209 had it's annual Pinewood Derby race at Zoar Lutheran. The boys were all excited after seeing the race track with all it's bells and whistles. It was a far cry from the old wooden track we raced on when I was a scout. The Tigers had a great showing this year. There were quite a few cars that surprised the crowd. Den 4 had 2 members that placed in the top two spots in the Tiger Age group. Jacob Yeary (1st) and Drake Schmit (2nd) made us all proud. Jacob ended up 3rd overall in the Pack's finals. Both scouts have the opportunity to represent the pack in the District Race in March. We wish them Good Luck! The parents also had a good showing. Den 4 had four entries in the parent's competition. Kent Purvis came out the winner from the Tiger's group and ended up 2nd overall.